
G. Dietz Smith, S. Prasad, M. Davidson, L. Findlater, R. B. Shapiro, "ContextQ: Generated Questions to Support Meaningful Parent-Child Dialogue While Co-Reading," ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC), 2024.

T. Nelson, B. Greenman, S. Prasad, T. Dyer, E. Bove, Q. Chen, C. Cutting, T. Del Vecchio, S. LeVine, J. Rudner, B. Ryjikov, A. Varga, A. Wagner, L. West, S. Krishnamurthi, "Forge: A Tool and Language for Teaching Formal Methods," Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (OOPSLA), 2024.

S. Prasad, B. Greenman, T. Nelson, and S. Krishnamurthi, "Conceptual Mutation Testing for Student Programming Misconceptions," The Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming, 2023.

S. Prasad, B. Greenman, T. Nelson, and S. Krishnamurthi, "Generating Programs Trivially: Student Use of Large Language Models," Global Computing Education, 2023.

S. Prasad, B. Greenman, T. Nelson, J. Wrenn, and S. Krishnamurthi, "Making Hay from Wheats: A Classsourcing Method to Identify Misconceptions," Koli Calling, 2022.

M. Hamilton, N. Gonsalves, C. Lee, A. Raman, B. Walsh, S. Prasad, D. Banda, L. Zhang, L. Zhang, W. Freeman, "Large-Scale Intelligent Microservices," IEEE Big Data, 2020.